A girls guide to becoming a Godly Woman
But which becometh women professing godliness with good works. I Timothy 2:10
Welcome to “Girls Becoming.” We are so excited that you decided to check us out. As young women ourselves, we are passionate about our generation of Apostolic women advancing themselves in today’s society while remaining true to their spiritual doctrines and principles. We are writing this blog so that young Apostolic girls can have a place to find ideas, connect, and grow spiritually.
On this blog, we are going to be writing on a wide range of different topics relating to a Christian girls’ lifestyle. We will be posting about DIY projects, fashion, relationships, education, and how to better ourselves spiritually. Our goal is to cover all topics that young Apostolic ladies are interested in and want to know more about. Please feel free to comment with your feedback and suggestions for this blog.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Top 5 Gifts for Your Valentine!
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Dating Etiquette
Monday, January 28, 2013
"Sweet Love"
What do cake pops and Uganda have in common? Well, to most people Nothing! But for me they will forever be connected. The story really started about a year ago in Florida. I was wrapping up a couple projects & had been praying for direction on what to work for next. My hubby had brought in a copy of the Apostolic Witness and while flipping thru it I came across an article by Bro Josh Wilson detailing a recent trip to Uganda.
I was reading about the ongoing effort to build dorms to house kids at an orphanage there when I felt God impressing me that this was my answer, my next project. At this point I had no idea how much each dorm cost, how exactly I would work to try to reach the goal or that at the end of 11 months of work I would be on a 23 hour flight to Africa!
Enter cake pops! Actually they were there, in the kitchen, while I was reading the article. Remember I was wrapping up a couple projects? Well, one of those included raising money for Sunday school literature for the Lebanon church in the Middle East and I had just started experimenting with those cake pops.
Soon a crazy, random idea became a plan. I had been really challenged by the recent Women's Esprit conference theme "The Power of One". I was selling those cake pops for $1 each. God had just spoken to me about the next project. Can you see where I'm going? My brain was in overdrive, connecting all these things together.
How interesting would it be to test the power of one inspired person and the power of one dollar in order to build one dorm? I warned you it was crazy.
Those thoughts set in motion a year of cake pop madness! Soon I was swimming in cake mix, melted chocolate, and sprinkles. Can you imagine how happy Tori was?
God taught me that ONE doesn't stay by itself for very long. Friends, family, churches, Sunday school classes, even strangers were helping. Either by giving their time or giving their $1's.
1 John 3:17-18 says: But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him? My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.
It's amazing to me what God will use to teach each of use the truth of His word. For me he most recently used cake pops. He challenged me to let go of old self doubt thoughts that say "who am I & how can God really use me?" To know that he can use one person that's willing to work for Him and His kingdom. He challenged me to let His sweet love in me drive my compassion beyond thoughts and words to ACTION! And he did it using cake, chocolate, and sprinkles. I think this is the sweetest lesson God has ever taught me.
If you feel inspired to join our efforts there are many ways for you to be involved. There are ongoing projects for more dorms and clothing. One of my main focuses for this next year is raising money to feed the beautiful kids I was able to meet at the orphanage. It costs $35 a month to feed one child. Approximately $450 will feed one child for an entire year. There are already Sunday School departments and youth groups interested in sponsoring a child for a year. Talk about the power of one! One group fund raiser can feed a child for one year.
And if you are not quite ready for that big of a project you can also order cake pops. We ship to most locations. You can share some sweets & show your love! Feel free to contact me at naechess@gmail.com for more information.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Countdown to ALJC National Princess Within Conference
Get ready girls its almost time for the 2nd National Princess Within Conference! All girls 9-19 (and their chaperones) are invited to this spectacular event. The conference will be held at First Apostolic Church in Knoxville, Tennessee and the dates are April 19th and 20th. On Friday night, we will be presenting different segments which will relate to topics young girls deal with everyday. After service on Friday night, we will chowing down on some awesome treats and we will also have some super awesome activities planned. On Saturday, we will be splitting up into age groups. We are so excited to announce our fabulous speakers. For ages 9-13, Sis. TJ St.Clair and Sis. Renee Chessor will be speaking. For ages 14-19, Sis Misty Chessor and Sis. Shelly Wilson will be speaking. Also did I mention Sis. Shelly Wilson will be leading worship Friday night? You can not miss this awesome event. We are going to be having a blast, while growing spiritually and making new friendships. We cannot wait to see you there!